Living in an anxiety driven world

We live in a world that often breeds anxiety and fear. When we come face to face with tough times, we may fall prey to discouragement, doubt, or depression. Our Father in Heaven has other plans for us. God has promised that we may live a life of abundance, not anxiety. In fact, His Word instructs us to “be anxious for nothing" (Philippians 4:6). So, how can we put our fears to rest? By taking those fears to God, and leaving them there. As we face the challenges of daily life, we may find ourselves becoming anxious, troubled, discouraged or fearful. If so, let us turn every one of our concerns over to our Heavenly Father. The same God who created the universe will comfort us if we ask Him—so let us ask Him, trust Him, and then watch in amazement as our anxieties melt into the warmth of His loving hands. When we are anxious let us turn our prayers to God. When we are worried let us have faith in Him. Let us live courageously, knowing that He loves us and will protect us today and forever. — 1 Peter 5:7