Looking Up to God

Whenever we are faced with stressful circumstances, we are presented with a choice. We can look down and become fearful and depressed. Or we can look upwards to the Father and recognize that He is in control. Sons and daughters make a decision to rise up above impending troubles and to set their hearts and minds on their ABBA in Heaven. Don't despair in face of hardships; sons and daughters abound in faith and hope. May be you are facing a difficult time ahead. May be you have been told you have an operation, or an extended period of intensive treatment. May be you have been informed that you are going to lose a job, or some other concerns. Whatever challenging circumstances may be ahead, you and I have a choice. We can either react like orphans or we can respond like children of God. We can either choose fear, or we can choose faith. We can either look down or we can look up. Let us be like Jesus and trust in our perfect and divine Dad. Let us choose to worship and pray. Today, let us look up and be hopeful always. — John 17:1