Do you need a miracle today? Do you need Jesus to set you free from some dreadful affliction from the enemy? Do you need Him to heel you of some illness or other? Do you need Him to multiply what little you have and make it go further than it ever could without His intervention? Do you need Him to give you heaven’s peace in an earthly storm? Do you need His miraculous provision in a time of lack? If so, remember what Jesus did two thousand years ago. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, raised the dead, provided for the hungry, brought peace to the storm-struck, and gave dignity to the vilified. Has our Jesus changed since then? No, not one little bit. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He is always the same. He is still Himself. Miracles are not something He did then but does not do now! No, God says, “ I am your Healer, “not, “I was your Healer “(Exodus 15:26). Let us put our trust in Jesus and ask Him to stretch His mighty hand and bless our lives and the lives of our loved ones with His life-changing power. — Hebrews 13:8