Mountain Highs and Valley Lows

Every life (including ours) is an unfolding series of events, some fabulous, some not so fabulous, and some down right disheartening. When we reach the mountain tops of life, praising God is easy. But when the storm clouds form overhead, our faith will be tested, sometimes to the breaking point. As believers, we can take comfort in this fact: wherever we find ourselves, whether at the top of the mountain, or the depths of the valley, God is there, and because He cares for us, we can live courageously. When our courage is tested to the limit, we should remember that God is our shield and our strength. He is our protector and our deliverer. When we call upon Him in our hour of need, He will protect us. When we are fearful or worried, let us call on God to give us courage, perspective, and wisdom. Let us trust Him to guide us and protect us now and forever –Psalm 34:4