PAC Anniversary 2017


It’s been one year, since we officially launched Praise Adoration Center! We thank God for His continued blessings, keeping PAC going and for its continued growth. Through this inaugural year, we have witnessed many uplifting events and have received great feedback from supporters and beneficiaries of the various PAC ministries. We thank all our supporters- those who have contributed monetarily, those who have donated various items, those who have contributed their time, and those who have contributed with prayers; we couldn’t have done it without you all. We pray that PAC continues to flourish and grow in the years to come.

Through our various ministries, we were able to:
  • Ship two cargo containers worth of goods and donated items to Nigeria.
  • As well as, two other shipments of school supplies.
  • We gave out interest-free loans to men and women, looking to start small businesses/entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • We hosted two, food drives, to help families in need of extra assistance.
  • We gave out the first, of hopefully many, PAC Scholarship/Apprenticeship Aid.
  • We started our in-house, prayer and counseling sessions.
  • And we recently purchased a ministry van, so as to be able to evangelize and reach people beyond the center’s environs.

What a feat to have accomplished within our first year. We know that the praise is not due to us, but to Him who makes all things possible; even the seemingly impossible. Hallelujah!

You can find more detailed information about our various projects, list of donors, and more by clicking here – PAC PROJECTS DIRECTORY

Here is a short, anniversary video of our projects