Paint Yourself Into Calvary

Any meditation on the meaning of the cross requires that we take our place at the foot of the cross. We know that Christ not only could, but did take away the sins of the world—your sins and mine. He washed us clean by His blood that was shed on the cross. Now, the living Christ comes to us to help us realize that what He did that day, He will still do today for each of us. The same forgiving, reconciling love revealed on the cross is reproduced in each of us. By a special gift of faith, given to each of us. We know that when we confess our sins, we are forgiven. That Christ's death defeated our fears of death and that because He lives we can live—now and forever. But do we really believe it? Are there any sins of the past which still linger in our memory, causing self-incrimination and guilt? Let us paint ourselves into Calvary. Stay at the foot of the cross, until we know He died for us. Today let us live as a forgiven and forgiving person. — Luke 23:49