Patiently Waiting

When we pray earnestly about a situation in our lives, we hope and believe God will answer as soon as possible. In some cases, we find that God answers immediately and powerfully. But then there are times when the opposite seems to happen, and we see a situation where there is seemingly no answer to prayer. Finally, there are situations where the Father does grant us our heartfelt request, but it takes much longer to happen than we expected or wanted.
It seems that when we pray for supernatural intervention from God, there are at least three responses, “Yes,” “No,” and “Later.” If the Father has made a promise that we have not yet seen fulfilled, let us not lose heart. Sometimes these delays of God can be occasions of much concern and tears, but let us hang on in there and wait patiently. Let us keep trusting, keep praying, and keep on believing. Believe that help is on the way, and it is just a matter of time. He who promises is faithful. — John 11:5-6