Placing blame on others/things

To blame others for our own problems is the height of futility. Yet blaming others is a favorite human pastime. Why? Because blaming is much easier than fixing, and criticizing others is so much easier than improving ourselves. So instead of solving our problems legitimately (by doing the work required to solve them), we are inclined to fret, to blame, and to criticize while doing precious little else. When we do, our problems, quite predictable, remain unsolved. 
When we blame others for problems we should have solved ourselves, we are not only disobeying God’s Word, but we are wasting our own precious time. So instead of looking for someone to blame, let us look for something to fix and then get busy fixing it. As we consider the situation , let us remember that God has a way of helping those who help themselves. When we make mistakes, let us admit them and not blame others,but to learn from them.  This coming year let us learn to get Him involved in our circumstances and problems. Let us look up to Jesus- as He has promised never to leave us or forsake us.  John 9:1-3