Praying is Integral to the Christian Walk

When we fail to make prayer a priority in our life, essentially forfeiting our time alone with the Father, we will begin to feel an emptiness in our hearts, accompanied by a strange sense of unrest and uneasiness. In contrast when our prayer life is active the weight of our burdens will be lifted up by the mighty hand of God. When we cease praying we become vulnerable and at risk of disaster. With this in mind, why should any one choose to cease praying? To avoid these difficulties, the clear solution is to place high priority on our fellowship and communications with the Lord. We need to be in touch with our Heavenly Father, in order to hear His voice and understand and follow His will for our lives. If you have allowed distance to come between you and your Heavenly Father, confess this to Him today (John 1:9). When you renew your prayer life, the most important part of your Christian walk, you will once again be able to experience God's BEST! ~Colossians 4:2