Relationship to God

As we think about the nature of our relationship with God, let us remember this—we will have some type of relationship with Him—it is inevitable that our lives are lived in relationship to God. So the question is not if we will have a relationship with Him, it is whether or not that relationship will be one that seeks to honor the Almighty God. Are we willing to place God First in our lives? Are we willing to welcome God’s Son into our hearts? Unless we can honestly answer these questions with a resounding Yes, then our relationship with God is not what it could be or should be. Thankfully God is always available. He is always ready to forgive and He is waiting to hear from us now. The rest of course is up to us. Let us praise God from the depths of our hearts and give thanks to Him for His goodness, for His mercies, and for His Son. Let us honor Him everyday of our lives, through our words and deeds. Let our words and deeds be a testimony to Him today and always. –Psalm 71:8