Are you relying on God?

What do you do when you have lost your enthusiasm for Worship and the Word? Perhaps difficult circumstances have led to discouragement and frustration. You have to rekindle afresh the gift of God which is in you. But how is this accomplished? You have to get on your knees before the Lord and ask Him to refill your heart. Examine your life, repent of any sins and submit to His leadership in every area of your life. Nothing dims the flame more than fixing your eyes on the problem. Whenever we focus on obstacles, they grow larger. But when we shift our eyes on Christ, He becomes bigger than any problem we may face. When we are down, the devil whispers lies into our minds. “You can’t do this. No one appreciates it. Why not call it quits?” We need to recognize all discouraging thoughts as coming from the devil and not allow them to have roots. Get away with the Lord to rekindle your intimate relationship with Him. After this you will be able to return to Worship and the Word with new enthusiasm and commitment. Hard circumstances may still remain, but you will be equipped to handle them, because the spirit’s flame is burning brightly within you. Rely on God, and He will empower you for Worship.
~2 Timothy 1:6-7