Remember, Jesus Cares

When we pray, there are things we can know and other things we can not. For instance, we have the assurance that God will hear our prayers, if we know Him as our Heavenly Father through faith in Jesus, and we know that His answers will come according to His Will. But, we do not know when the answers will come or what it will be. Although, God may not answer as we would like or when we would like, we know that He is always there. When we are doing God’s will, He will be with us even without our asking. If we feel we are not doing His will, we need to ask for His forgiveness, change our course and follow Him. We may not always feel that God is listening, but He cares and He will respond. Rather than distance Himself when we cry to Him, He draws close to us in our times of need. He is never too busy for our prayers. He hears us when we call. Focused as we are with our immediate situation, we may be shocked by God’s answers. Yet, we know that the answers will be for His glory. He is always available to us. He hears and He cares. Remember, “if we ask anything according to His Will, He hears us” ( 1 John 5:14). Pray continually! – Psalm 145:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17