Running the race of faith

If an athlete can be motivated to make incredible sacrifices for a perishable reward, how much more should we strive for imperishable ones? If an athlete will labor hard to receive glory from others, how much harder ought we to work for the “well done” of our Father? Are we striving to bring ourselves into subjection for the glory of God? Are we training our minds to think the thoughts of God rather than the thoughts of the world? Are we disciplining our lives in prayer? Are we interceding for others? Are we studying God’s Word diligently that we can find answers to the challenges we may face? Are we ready to evangelize in obedience to His commands? Are we prepared to share our faith? Are we ready to obey His commands to love others as ourselves? Are we running the race of faith to win the crown that awaits us? Reflect on your journey of faith and hope and make adjustments where necessary. Do not delay – start now! Remain blessed and rapture ready! ~1 Corinthians 9:25