Seeking a Strong Foundation in Christ?

Jesus made it clear that we would endure hardship in this life. But God gave His children amazing tools to keep trials from overwhelming us. For instance, He placed His Spirit inside each believer to guide and empower. In addition, He gave us the privilege of prayer so we could not only communicate and stay connected with our Father, but also bring Him our requests. The Bible, the actual Word of God Almighty- is truth. It never changes. What is more, it enables us in all circumstances, giving us a solid basis for making decisions and choosing which direction to go. There are thousands of promises in the Bible, countless assurances that we can rely on with perfect confidence. God wants us to learn them so we would not miss out on blessings He wants to give us. If we are wise, we’ll turn His promises into prayers and the cries of our hearts. We can pray God’s words back to Him, saying that we believe He will teach us and reveal His path, while remaining by our side as our caregiver through the entire situation. When hardships arise, we need a sure foundation on which to stand. Otherwise, our emotions could easily lead us astray through faulty thinking. God is faithful and unchanging, so we can trust in His promises, which enable us to rest confidently and act boldly.  Isaiah 40:8