Seeking God’s Presence

The Psalmist gives us an example of the difference between praying our prayers and truly praying. Psalm 42:2: “I thirst for you, the living God. When can I go and worship in your presence?” Do you want God that much? What God has done heightens our expectations of what He will still do. Praise opens our hearts. The more we praise God, the more ready we are to accept His next steps for us. Let us make today a day for His goodness to us, in all the problems and perplexities of life. We need not be anxious, when we can turn everything over to the Lord of the universe. Our prayers should be a honest statement of our needs and then thanksgiving for the fact that our God has heard us and will act for our ultimate good. Peace beyond our understanding should flood our hearts. Christ will guide our hearts from anything which could distress us. Prayer is a time to meditate on thoughts about Christ and what He is able to do. Prayer is meditating in a way that our minds and hearts are focused on the positive power of the Lord and not just on our problems. The thought of His presence gives us peace. We should seek reassurance and relationship from God, more than anything in the world! — Psalm 42