Sensing God

Since God is everywhere, we are free to sense His presence whenever we take the time to quiet our souls and turn our prayers to Him. However, amid the incessant demands of everyday life, we turn our thoughts far from God; when we do, we suffer. Do we set aside quiet moments each day to offer praise to our Creator? As one who has received the gift of God’s Grace, we most certainly should. Prayer is a gift we give to ourselves and to God. During these moments of stillness, we will often sense the infinite love and power of our Creator and He, in turn, will speak directly to our hearts. The familiar words of Psalm 46:10 reminds us to, “Be still, and know that I am God”. When we do so, we encounter the awesome presence of our loving Heavenly Father and we are comforted in the knowledge that God is not just near, He is here! The Lord is always near, yet sometimes we feel so far from Him. During such times, let us ask God to help us to sense His presence and His love. –James 4:8