Sharing the Good News

When we have opportunities to witness, but remain silent that is a denial. Think of the ways we contradict what we believe by the way we talk. The very fact that we talk so little about what we believe gives the impression that we believe very little. That can be considered a wordless denial. We must share the "message" with the world. Today let us share the good news of Jesus with joyful exuberance. The world is full of people longing to have someone they respect take a stand and speak out. When we are silent about what the Lord means to us we deny our Lord. God always gives us opportunities to affirm our love for Him. Some people say, "My witness is my life, I don't talk with others about my faith" – however, that is making a case for your life! But, it is also denies people from knowing what is behind your quality of life. Simply, a silent witness is a form of denial. Let us make today a day to share the reason for the hope that is within us. Jesus said, be "fishers of men." Today and every day share the good news!  ~1 Peter 3:15; Matthew 25:19-20