Storing up Treasures!

This world is not our home and one day we will leave everything behind. Therefore, we must make sure that what we view as treasure is not the things of this world, but Christ, who gives us a living hope. Everything of this life is destined to perish (2 Peter 3:10-11), but God has reserved an inheritance for us in heaven—one that is imperishable and will never fade away. By God’s power, we are protected for the culmination of our salvation, which will be revealed at the last day. Nothing can separate us from Christ, since God is the one who holds us. God fulfills all His promises, so we can rejoice in this hope, even while facing earthly trials. Let us set our hearts on Heaven, where Christ is and store our treasures there. May our joy and our love for God grow, because of His goodness towards us, and knowing what awaits us in Heaven. –1 Peter 1:3-9.