That Which Does Not Change

Our world is in a state of constant change. God is not. At times, the world seems to be trembling beneath our feet. But we can be comforted in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father is the Rock that can not be shaken. His Word promises,"I am the Lord, I do not change" (Malachi 3:6). Every day that we live, we encounter a multitude of changes, some good, some not so good, some downright disheartening. On those occasions when we must endure
life-changing losses that leave us breathless, there is a place we can turn for comfort and assurance—we can turn to God. When we do, our loving Heavenly Father stands ready to protect us, to comfort us, to guide us, and, in time, to heal us. One of the greatest ways God changes us is by bringing Scripture to mind that we have hidden deep in our hearts. And He always picks the right Scripture, at the right time. Let our love for God be unchanging and everlasting. — Hebrews 13:8