The Anchors for the Storm!

What are our Anchors for the storm?  What do we have within us to stabilize the ship of life through the winds of doubt, sorrow's bitter sea, temptation's jagged rocks? It is what happens to us in the storm, not in the calm or the quiet of life's ports, that tests what we believe. What Anchors  would stabilize our souls for the time's turbulent sea? These FOUR ANCHORS should help to stabilize our souls during the storms of life:
The Anchor of TRUST in the ever present help of God.
The Anchor of HOPE – The Lord of history is faithful. The Psalmist was right-"Hope in the Lord"
The Anchor of PURPOSE – Purpose liberates our fears and gives us courage. Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him for ever.
The Anchor of FELLOWSHIP  God always provides someone who knows and understands, listens and loves. 
In prayer we can lower the True Anchors of life. These are our anchors until the dawn of a new day.   ~Acts 27:29