The Best Teacher!

Many people think that experience is the best Teacher. This kind of thinking has swallowed up many immature Christians and eventually turned them against God. Sure we are in the world (John 17:15), and we are exposed to different situations, but we need to be careful that exposure to those situations does not lead us to embrace ungodly philosophies. We mature faster by following the divine patterns suggested in Psalm 1:1(Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked).  First, let us not let our decisions and choices be controlled by the “counsel of the ungodly". Second, we should not put ourselves in a place where those who do not know Jesus can unduly influence our thought processes. Third, let us avoid getting comfortable with those who mock God, His Word, and His role in our life—trusting the counsel from such sources leads us away from God. Instead, it is best to act out our training, our guidance, and our advise from God’s Holy Word. God/God's Word is our best teacher. — Psalm 1:1