The Inextinguishable and Irrepressible Light of God!

I cannot think of any better description of a child of God than,”A lamp that burns and gives light.” This should be the ambition and the dream for our lives. That we will be filled with the Holy flame of Abba Father’s love and that we would light up the lives of the people around us. I do not know about you, but this verse challenges me. It challenges me to ask the question, “How bright am I shining for Jesus?” I think everyone of us needs to take a luminosity test from time to time. We should honestly assess the impact of our lives on others. John the Baptist was a torchbearer for Jesus. He ran the race and finished well. His torch was still burning as he crossed the line.

Let us be so filled with the fire of God’s love that we are so inextinguishable and irrepressible. We should not allow our hearts to get cold, but continuously ask the Father to light the fire in our hearts. We should not be ashamed to live for Jesus. Let us not be a flickering candle, but a burning lamp. Let us spread God’s light far and wide, so as to draw others to the light of Jesus. “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Today, people around us are in spiritual danger and darkness. Let our light shine from Him to them. Recall the song “this little light of mine, I am going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine,” how can our little light make a difference? By using it to point others to the Great Light: Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior—this day and forever. — John 5:35