The issue of pouring new wine into old bags

Jesus came not to patch, but to transform; not to correct, but to convert. Those who had spiritual eyes with which to see understood that He brought a new and vital life. Jesus indicated that He could never be an addendum to an already completed life, but the answer and basis of a person’s life and direction. He used the idea of new wine to illustrate thisold bags would crack and split open and would not be able to contain the new wine (Mark 2:22)

The message of the new wine in old bags is applicable to us as individuals. Jesus Christ must be the basis of our lives. Most of us want all this world offers and heaven too. We want the security of doing what we want, how we want, and when we want it. However, conversion means a break with the old and a fresh start with Christ. The new wine of Christ’s message, and the in dwelling power of the Holy Spirit, require a new bag of fresh commitment to Him each day. Old ways, customs, and habits will burst under pressure of Christ's reformation of our livesnew wine cannot be contained in old bags! You must decide to let Jesus reform your life. Have you done that? — Romans 10:9