The Power of Christ’s Love


When we first ask Jesus Christ to save us from our sins, we know  very little about how this is done. The living Christ reveals Himself to us, and through the power of His love, our desire to sin is taken away. Through personal fellowship with Him, Jesus saves us from our sins. First, we must come to Jesus confessing all the sins in our hearts. We must know Him as the Almighty personal Savior in whom God’s Holiness dwells. Fortunately, He has shown us great grace by loving us in our sinfulness and giving us the opportunity to kneel before Him in this world. As we fellowship together in the expression of mutual love, by the work of His Holy Spirit in our hearts, His love will expel and conquer all the sins. Let us ask Jesus to reveal Himself to us. As we spend time with Him, may the Holy Spirit work mightily in our hearts. Jesus we treasure our relationship with You. You want us to bring  You our love and our worship.  We shall do this with no hesitation, today and every day. Matthew 1:21