“The power of prayer", these words are so familiar, yet sometimes we forget what they mean. Prayer is a powerful tool for communicating with our Creator. It is an opportunity to commune with the Giver of all things. Prayer helps us find strength for today and hope for the future. Prayer is not a thing to be taken lightly or to be used infrequently. The quality of our spiritual life will be in direct proportion to the quality of our prayer life. Prayer changes things and should change us too. Today instead of turning things over in our minds, let us turn them over to God in prayer. Instead of worrying about our next decision, let us ask God to lead the way. Pray constantly about things great and small. God is listening and He wants to hear from us now. The greatest power that God has given to any individual is the power of prayer. Let us take everything to God in prayer and when we do, let us trust in His answers. –James 5:16