The Right Footsteps

Whom shall we walk with today? Shall we walk with people who worship the ways of the world? Or shall we walk with the Son of God? Jesus wants to walk with us, are we ready to walk with Him? Hopefully we shall choose to walk with Him today and every day of our lives. God’s Word promises that when we follow in Christ’s footsteps, we will learn how to live freely and lightly (Matthew 11:28-30). Are we worried about the days ahead? Let us be confident in God’s power. He will never desert us. Are we concerned about the future? Let us be courageous and call upon God. He will protect us. Are we confused? Let us listen to the quiet voice of our Heavenly Father. He is not a God of confusion. So let us talk with God, listen to Him and walk with His Son- starting now! God sent His Son so that we may have abundant life and eternal life. Let us follow Him and share His Good News, this day and everyday. – John 12:26