The Sovereign Lord of the Universe is in control

Circumstances and trials often bewilder us, but Psalm 46:10 tells us where to turn: We should be still and remember God the Sovereign Lord of the Universe is in control. The key to dealing with difficulty lies in trusting God. Instead of trying to manage the situation or pointing a finger in blame, we should actively wait, watching for God to move and trusting He will act on our behalf. This involves taking time to be alone with our Father- crying out to Him, meditating on His truth and listening to Him. Human instincts urges us to take control ourselves, in contrast the Lord requires that we patiently and expectantly wait upon Him. He also tells us to surrender what we think is right and instead submit to His plan. Unless our focus remains steady on Jesus, circumstances can overwhelm us. Whether our current circumstances are good or painful, let us take time to be still before the Lord. Let us choose to accept difficulties as blessings by letting them deepen our relationship with Christ. What is your response when trouble arises? Psalm 46:1-2; Isaiah 64:4