Storms in our lives can serve the purpose of turning a bad thing into a very good one. It is easy to get so caught up in the daily grind or preoccupied with chasing a goal that we miss the good that the Lord has in mind to give us. When we are so focused on our own desires we also become more vulnerable to making choices that do not align with His Word. But our Heavenly Father wants the best for us, so He will go to great lengths to make sure we are positioned to receive His blessings in our lives. That is when we may find ourselves in the middle of a storm- where life was once sunny, we are now faced with turmoil or even pain. Disappointment like that can catch us off guard and make us wonder why is God making this happen to us? It just may be that God is trying to protect us and to draw us closer to Him. Though the Lord sometimes allows storms in the form of problems and hardships, His goal is not ever to hurt us. If you are going through a trial right now, God may be trying to draw your attention back to Him. It is possible He is disrupting your plans so He can implement His! ~Psalm 119:71