The Unconditional Love of God

God's love for us, is unconditional. No matter what we have done, good or bad, God’s love is steady and sure. Even though we are imperfect, fallible human beings, even though we have fallen far short of God's commandments, Christ loves us still. His love is perfect, it does not waiver and it does not change. Our task as believers, is to accept Christ's love and encourage others to do likewise. In today's troubled world, we all need the love and peace that is found through the Son of God. Thankfully Christ's love has no limits. We in turn should love Him with no limits, now and forever. Our lives are contained in the idea that Christ loved us enough to give His life for us. Putting Christ first in our lives will cause us to be more aware of the abundance He bestowed on us. When we accept His offer to abide in His love, we abide in God and He is forever with us in every circumstance of life—nothing or no one can take that away from us. Let Christ be ever present with us to comfort and strengthen the bond that can never be broken through Him. — 1 John 2:28-29