The Unstoppable Love of God!

One of the biggest struggles we may face is a feeling that the Lord could not possibly love us. But the Bible clearly tells us He does. Creation itself is an expression of the awesome way He cares for us. He provides us with the necessities of life. The highest expression of His love is manifested in His provision for our eternal needs. He sent His Son to redeem us from sin so that we could be forgiven and reconciled to God – and then live with Him in heaven for ever. Why then with all these evidences do so many of us still doubt His love? Perhaps it is because we are looking at it from our own limited perspective. Since human beings cannot love others unconditionally, we just feel unworthy of His love. Well, I have news for you. No one is worthy. God's love is based not on whether we are deserving but on His character. We need to understand that love is not simply something God does; it is who He is. Divine love is a demonstration of God's commitment to our greatest good. It is like the ocean tide – you cannot stop them from coming. Likewise nothing we do or feel will stop the Father's love from washing over us. ~1J ohn 4:8