We must stay connected to Jesus. The image of Him as the Vine and us as the branches helps us understand that apart from Him, we can do nothing. It is possible to receive His Salvation and still act out of the flesh, distracted and separated from His direction and power. At times we all find our focus wandering, but some of us have strayed so far that it is hard to see our way back. When we sense that our minds are loyal to something besides Christ, we need to identify what activities and attitudes are drawing us away from Christ, then repent and ask for forgiveness. Once the distractions are gone we must refocus on Jesus, by reading the Word, praying, learning biblical passages and spending time with godly friends. We need to abide in God, to bear much fruit (John 15:5). We must lay aside every encumbrances so we can run with endurance the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1). We need to acknowledge anything that is keeping us from living passionately and fully for Jesus Christ. Following His Plan – in His Strength – is the way to peace, joy and contentment in life. We must ask for His Help and Commit to Action. There is Nothing Like Living Fully For God!
We must not Delay! – John 15:4-6