Tired, Weary, Anxious, Scared? Then Call Upon the Lord Jesus Christ

Are you tired? Discouraged? Fearful? Be comforted. Take a walk with God. Jesus called upon believers to walk with Him and He promised them that He would teach them how to live freely and lightly. Are you worried or anxious? Be confident in God's power. He will never desert you. Do you see no hope for the future? Be courageous and call upon God. He will protect you and then use you according to His purposes. Are you confused? Listen to the quiet voice of your Heavenly Father. He is not a God of confusion. Talk with Him; listen to Him; follow His commandments. He is steadfast, and He is your protector – forever. Rest in the knowledge that your Savior precedes you, and He will walk you through each experience of your life. ~Matthew 11:28-30.