Trouble can either drive us to God or away from Him

We all go through times when things go wrong. We may have experienced hard times, rejection, injustice, disappointments, unemployment, financial problems or relationships going wrong. Why does God allow it? Are there any benefits from this? Trouble and persecution can either drive us away from God or close to Him. Whenever things go wrong and we have reached the end of our resources, there is nothing we can do, we are thrown into true dependence on God. Problems often lead to prayer and prayer often leads to solutions. This in turn leads to God being thanked. As we draw close to God we find that He does care and that He suffers with us. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Today let us thank God for all the ways He had delivered us in the past. Let us take to God all the major challenges and problems we face. Let us commit them into His hands and set our hopes on Him. The Lord Jesus will always be our hiding place whatever happens. ~2 Corinthians 1: 3-4