What are you doing in faith?

What are you doing right now that you could not do without the help of our supernatural God? When we think of the word faith, we often think of the most incredible miracles we have ever heard about. I do not know about you, but I believe in those miracles of faith. Faith also describes what ordinary people have when they do extra-ordinary things with their lives. Faith is not doing something when everyone else is doing it or doing something when no one else is doing it. Faith is doing something you could not do or being someone who you could not be, without the help of our supernatural God. What are you doing in faith right now? Take a moment and ask God to make you an ordinary person doing extra-ordinary things for Him. What areas of your life could use a real faith-lift? Our supernatural God is ready to help you. Ask Him! Have faith! Trust Him! ~Hebrews 11:1,6; Psalm 71:1-8