What challenges are you facing

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains. From where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1-2). When we read these verses from God’s Word, we know that Jesus is not only available for our present help, but all the challenges to come. When we see the problems in our lives, God’s Word reminds us that with His help we can overcome even more than we can currently see. That is why turning to God’s Word is very important–It reminds us of Jesus’ help. If Jesus can raise the dead, calm a storm, cast out demons, and heal the incurable, then what effect might a Word from Him have on your life?  The possibilities should cause you to tremble! The next time you open God’s Word, do so with a sense of Holy Expectations. Know that Jesus is your help for today’s challenge and the next one and the next one to come! What are the challenges in your life right now? Please take them to Him. He is waiting! He is very near! – Psalm 46:1; Psalm 121:1-2