What example are you setting?

Whether we like it or not, all of us are role models. Our friends and family members watch our actions and, as followers of Christ, we are obliged to act accordingly. What kind of example are you? Are you the kind of person whose life serves as a genuine example of righteousness? Are you a person whose behavior serves as a possible role model for young people? Are you the kind of person whose actions day in and day out are based upon kindness, faithfulness, and a love for the Lord? If so you are not only blessed by God, but you are also a powerful force for good in a world that desperately needs positive influences such as yours. Corrie ten Boom advised,”Don’t worry about what you do not understand, worry about what you do understand in the Bible, but do not live by”. And that is sound advice, because our families and friends are watchingand so, for that matter, is God. Let our light shine brightly for God. Let us be positive examples for all to see and let us share love and kindness with our families, friends today and everyday. — 2 Corinthians 5:20