Each of us has a unique assignment given to us by our Heavenly Father and we are called to find this overarching plan for our lives. Sometimes the work our Father is calling us to is something we are meant to embrace within our paid work. Sometimes our paid work becomes the means by which we can achieve the greater purpose for our lives. Whether the Father’s assignment is within our work or funded and facilitated by our work the important thing is for us to embrace our mandate and indeed to complete it. Finishing well should be one of the great objectives of our lives. It is of course one thing to start; it is quite another thing to finish. And the old saying is true- The world is full of great starters, but not as full of good finishers! Why not ask today for greater revelation concerning your unique assignment? And in addition for the motivation to finish well. Let us ask God to help us understand the nature of His entrustment and try not to be distracted by the things of the world but to stay the course and finish the task. John 5:36