What is your focus today?

God offers us abundance through His Son, Jesus. Whether or not we accept God’s abundance is, of course up to each of us. When we entrust our hearts and our days to the One who created us, we experience abundance through the grace and sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. But, when we turn our thoughts and our energies away from God’s commandments, we inevitably forfeit the spiritual abundance that might otherwise be ours. What is your focus today? Are you focused on God’s Word and His will for your life? Or are you focused on the distractions and temptations of a difficult world? The answer to these questions will, to a surprising extent, determine the quality and direction of your day. If you, sincerely, seek the spiritual abundance that your Savior offers, then follow Him completely without reservation. When you do, you will receive the love, the life and the abundance that He has promised. Let us ask God to give us the courage to claim the spiritual riches that He promised, and to lead us according to His plans for our lives today and always. – John 16:23-24