What type of treasure hunter are you?

All of humanity is engaged in a colossal, world wide treasure hunt. Some people seek treasures from earthly sources, treasures such as material wealth or public acclaim. Others seek God's treasures by making Him the cornerstone of their lives. What type of treasure hunter are you? Are you so caught up in the demands of every day living that you sometimes allow the search for worldly treasures to become your primary focus? If so it's time to think long and hard about what you value, and why. All the items on your daily to-do list are not created equal. That's why you must put first things first by placing God in His rightful place: First Place. 
The world's treasures are difficult to find and keep, God's treasures are ever present and everlasting. Which treasures then will you claim as your own?
Let us ask our Father to help us focus intently on Him and not on the acquisition of material possessions so we can be blessed. God make our priorities pleasing to you and make us worthy servants of Your Son.  Luke 12:34