Who will you walk with today?

Will you walk with people who worship the ways of the world? Or will you walk with the Son of God? Jesus walks with you. Are you walking with Him? Hopefully you will choose to walk with Him today and every day of your life. God's Word promises that when you follow in Christ's footsteps, you will learn how to live freely and lightly (Matthew 11:28-30). If we are to be disciples of Christ, we must trust Him and place Him at the very center of our beings. Jesus never comes "next". He is always first. The wonderful paradox is that it is only by sacrificing ourselves to Him that we gain eternal salvation. Do you seek to fulfill God's purpose for your life? Then follow Christ. Follow Him by picking up His cross today and every day that you live. Then you will quickly discover that Christ's love has the power to change everything, including you. Make His agenda your agenda and His mission your mission.    
John 12:26