Why must we suffer disappointments, sorrow and tribulations?

 What have we done that God should allow us to have trials? Is He displeased with us? These questions are constantly being asked by believers. Much of these fears and questions are due to our misunderstanding of God’s dealings with His dear children. He has good reasons. And one of those reasons is for our spiritual discipline. We should be far more afraid of being left alone than of God’s chastening. Whenever it seems to us that God is distant, disinterested or altogether absent, we should be more assured that our feelings are a reflection of our own emotional state and not an indication of God’s absence. During this life’s dark days we need to seek to establish a closer relationship with Him. We can do this because He is not just near He is here. God is constantly making Himself available to us therefore when we approach Him obediently and sincerely we will certainly find Him. God is always available to us. God “plows” goes deep, but it is only that in the end we may forget the plowing and rejoice in the blessings of bearing much fruit for Him. James 4:8; Hebrews 12:7